OpenRMA DX 2023.07 Released

  • Sunday, 9th July, 2023
  • 08:13am

OpenRMA DX 2023.07 Released

We are super excited to announce the release of OpenRMA DX 2023.07 OpenRMA making it easier than ever to manage jobs, staff & clients.
The new version of our repair shop software has brought a lot of exciting new features for repair stores that will help them to get an edge in the rising competition among the repair industry.

New Features and fixes in Version 2023.07

•Added - Save and Close button on all New / Edit Screens.
•Added - Phone formation of numbers in US Localization - (888) 123-4567
•Added - Inventory Item label printing.
•Added - Ability to save the Zoom level of screens.
•Added - Special Tags to SMS Templates.
•Edited - Sorting (ascending) for all lists.
•Fixed - Speed Increased for large data queries.
•Fixed - Exporting to excel fixed.
•Fixed - Report Designer Permissions Request.
•Customers Saving Functionality. Allow Special Chars
•Fixed - Minor Bugs Fixed.



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